Welcome to BeijingPost.com!
Here's how we handle your data—clear and straightforward:
We Keep It to Ourselves: Your information stays with us and our development team unless we are legally required to share it or if there’s illegal activity involved.
Just What’s Needed: We only collect data that helps improve our services for you. Nothing more, nothing less.
You’re Our Guest: You’re not our product. We respect your privacy—no strings attached, no fine print.
Got questions? Get in touch.
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The Beijing Post AI development Team
欢迎来到 BeijingPost.com!
我们保密: 您的信息将仅限于我们和我们的开发团队使用,除非法律要求我们共享,或涉及非法活动。
仅收集必要数据: 我们只收集有助于改进服务的数据,绝不多收,也不会少收。
您是我们的贵宾: 您不是我们的产品。我们尊重您的隐私——没有附加条件,没有隐性条款。
感谢您访问 BeijingPost.com!